romain hoarau


currently learning cybersecurity. damn I love it.


One of my goal is to understand how to make more secure software, the ultimate goal would be to help developers around the world make better software by contributing to cool open source / free software (signal, the tor project, and N more privacy/security focused projects) !

I mainly learn by projects, therefore I learn cybersecurity by breaking into vulnerable systems, and that's quite fun I have to say :)


ft_malcolm - Man-in-the-middle attack

In this first project of network security, you will implement the Address Resolution Protocol spoofing/poisoning method, which is one of the most basic Man In The Middle attacks.

completed ! 110/100

source code: github


I use tryhackme, a platform that gives access to machines and learning paths : "Hands-on cyber security training through real-world scenarios"


time to complete: 9h03m

status: completed! (cerfificate available)

introduction to cyber security

time to complete:

status: ongoing